Balban Dynasty

Delhi 12th to 15th Century II - Concepts
Class - 7th Foundation NTSE Subjects
Concept Explanation

Balban Dynasty

Ghiasuddin Balban (1266-1286 CE): Balban was a stern man who believed in ruling with ‘iron and blood’. In 1241 CE, the Mongols attacked Lahore. Balban held the Mongols away with a clever mix of force and diplomacy. In 1260 CE, Balban also entertained an envoy from Hulagu, a grandson of Chengiz Khan. Balban died in 1287 CE and was succeeded by his grandson. Soon a new dynasty came to power in Delhi—the Khaljis.

Policy of Blood and Iron: Ghiyas-ud-din Balban who ruled India as the Sultan of Delhi from 1266 to 1287 A.D. was one of the greatest Sultans of the Mediaeval period. He like his master Iltutmish rose to power and became the Sultan of Delhi.

Theory of Kingship:

  • The stern, harsh and violent policy adopted by Balban to suppress the internal revolts and meeting with the challenges posed by foreign invaders of Mongols is known as the policy of blood and iron.
  • The theory of kingship propounded by Balban led to the adoption of the policy of blood and iron. Balban was convinced that the only way to face the internal and external dangers was to increase the power and prestige of the Sultan (King).
  • ‘Sword’ was the chief weapon of Balban to achieve his objectives. He used this weapon with a great vengeance against his rivals, rebels, robbers, thieves and the invaders. By following this policy, he wanted to create terror in the minds of the people that whosoever dared to challenge the authority of the Sultan, he would not be spared.
  • On account of this policy he was able to remain at the helm of affairs for about 40 years i.e. 20 years as the Naib/Prime Minister of Nasir-ud-din Mohmud and then after as the Sultan of Delhi. He executed his policy of blood and iron very successfully and raised the prestige and power of the Sultan in the eyes of the nobles and his subjects.
  • Main Principles of the Theory of Kingship were as under:

    1. Divine right of Kings: Balban said that the king was the representative of God on the earth and Kingship was a divine institution. He declared this to make the nobles believe that he got the crown or the Kingship not through their mercy but by the mercy of God.

    2.Royal descent: Balban realized that people at that time believed that it was only the prerogative of the ancient royal families to rule and exercise power, he therefore declared that he was the descendant of the legendary Turkish warrior Afrasiyab and that circumstances only had made him a slave.

    3. King as a despot: He said to his son Bughra Khan that “Kingship is the embodiment of despotism”. He believed that it is the “King’s super­human awe and status which can ensure people’s obedience.

    4. Word of difference between descendants of noble lineage and commoners:Historian Zia-ud-Din Barni has gone to the extent of remarking that whenever Balban saw a man of low birth, his eyes started burning with rage and anger and his hands reached his sword to murder him. This view seems to be on the extreme side. However this much is believable that because of this outlook of Balban, he dismissed all officials not born of noble families, from all important posts.

    5. Recognition of tripartite relationship: Balban emphasized the relationship between God and the Sultan, Sultan and the people and the God and the people. He considered himself the representative of God on the earth to look after the welfare of the people—people created by God. Accordingly he emphasized that treasury should be used for the benefit of his subjects. Likewise the king should be impartial in dispensing justice.

    The Invasion of Timur: In 1398 CE, during the rule of the last major Tughlaq ruler, Mohammad Tughlaq, the Delhi Sultanate was attacked by Timur. Timur was a Central Asian Turk who had embraced Islam and set up a Kingdom in Samarkand. Timur entered Delhi, and the city was destroyed and left in ruins. Timur also ransacked Meerut and Jammu.

    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Blood and iron policy was introducd by _______ .

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Balban was succeeded by his grandson

    Right Option : B
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Balban took strong measures to provide security to the city of delhi because_________________ .

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation

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